Comparative Social Research is a scholarly yearbook. Each volume concentrates on a special theme, ranging from New trends in bureaucracy to Perspectives on European Social Democracy. For an overview of previous volumes, see
The publication for 2026 will be on comparative studies of Whistleblowing and freedom of expression in working life. Possible topics for academic contributions are set out below:
- Challenges to workers connected to freedom of expression and whistleblowing
- Management and union handling and attitudes to freedom of expression and whistleblowing
- Comparative studies of legislation on whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing in a democracy perspective
- Effects of EU directives on whistleblowing
- Knowledge among employees and management about rules on whistleblowing and freedom of expression
Concerning length of chapters, 8000 words (excluding endnotes and references) is the normal length. All chapters should be of a comparative nature. This does not necessarily mean analyzing original data from two or more countries. Comparing national findings and analyses with secondary data and/or analyses from other countries will be sufficient. Purely national case studies will fall outside the scope of the book. All contributions will be accessible via open access, without charge to the contributing authors. Editors of the volume are:
David Lewis, Middlesex University London;
Sissel Trygstad, Fafo, Institute for Labour and Social Research;
Wim Vanderkerckhove, EDHEC Business School;
SUMMARIES, UP TO 400 WORDS, OF POSSIBLE CONTRIBUTIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO WIM VANDEKERKHOVE BEFORE 1ST DECEMBER 2024. The deadline for draft chapters is March 31st 2025 and, following feedback from the editors, final versions must be ready for external review by June 30 2025. In accordance with the usual procedures in academic publications, chapters will be evaluated by two independent assessors.
Comparative Social Research is published by Emerald Insight, a large publisher of academic and scientific books and journals. The yearbook is hosted by the Institute for Social Research, Oslo. The members of the editorial board are connected to the Institute for Social Research, the Department of Sociology and Human Geography of University of Oslo, and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).