Trustee and Chair of the Academic Council
Professor of Work & Organisational Psychology
John started his career at the Department of Health and Social Security, then spent several years in the chemical industry as a lab technician, before moving on to HR roles within the NHS. He started his academic career here at Northumbria University (1999-2002), and subsequently held posts at Newcastle (2002-2007), Teesside (2007-2013) and Hull (2013-2016) before returning to Northumbria in 2016. He has undertaken a range of academic leadership roles including Head of Department, Assistant Dean, MBA Programme Director, PG Programmes Director, and Subject Group Leader.
Key research projects include whistleblowing in healthcare, an examination of the role of the medical physics expert, an international comparison of bullying and emotional labour, and a study of undergraduates’ perceptions of graduate careers. John is currently developing research on coping with career disruptions, work and well-being, and issues of language and translation in organisational settings.