The Transparency Task Force is the collaborative, campaigning community, dedicated to driving up the levels of transparency in financial services, right around the world.
Social Enterprises are businesses that are changing the world for the better and the TTF become one in October 2020.
The Transparency Task Force is built on 5 core beliefs;
- That the Financial Services sector is profoundly important to the well-being of society, economic stability and political stability
- That the Financial Services sector has a moral, ethical and professional duty to behave transparently
- That there is a strong correlation between transparency, truthfulness and trustworthiness
- That the vast majority of people working in the sector want it to change; and would welcome the opportunity to participate in initiatives designed to drive positive, progressive and purposeful financial reform – they want to “stand up rather than stand by”
- That small groups of right-minded and collaboratively-minded people who are united by a common cause can drive positive change
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